Monday, July 27, 2009

A Year of Firsts...

It's been quite a while since my last post. Several months actually. There were many occasions that I had something to say but not enough energy, courage or focus to sit and type. I was on a roll there for a while and then life happened.

On Sunday, May 4th, 2008, my life changed forever. Sounds a bit dramatic doesn't it?! Well... it kind of is. That's the day my father took his last, peaceful breath. He was surrounded by people who loved him and passed very comfortably in his sleep that Sunday around 9pm. A few short days later, we arranged a beautiful burial at sea and a Celebration of Life Memorial. It was a week or two full of stories, tears, laughter, discoveries, and reunions. We got back in touch with my Dad's side of the family (that for some reason) with which we'd lost touch. My Dad's sister, my Aunt, along with my three cousins and their beautiful kids. It was a nice send off for my Dad.

Through this past year plus, my Mom and I have been on a bit of a roller coaster. For me, my lows got pretty low and as you may know, lead to medication help. In the past several months, something clicked and I feel back to normal... or at least my "new normal". I no longer felt the need for my anxiety/depression medication, so I weened myself (safely) off of them and I feel good about that. I still miss my dad, his humor and wisdom! The difference now is that I can think of him with a smile on my face.

So, I'm back! Back to blogging. The future is a mystery... and I do love an adventure! So, here we go... together, one letter at a time!

Until next thought...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Blizzard in Denver

March Blizzard in Denver

I can barely see across the street right now... May post more pictures soon!
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday Hustle & Bustle

It's been a few weeks since I've touched base with everyone. My apologies!

I have always admired the people that can "DO IT ALL!" I used to think I fit into that category and now... I'm not so sure!

Those that can have three kids to shuttle to all their after school activities, volunteer at the kid's schools, help coach little league soccer practice, take the dogs for a walk twice a day, help throw their church holiday party, keep up with household needs, do the grocery shopping and all the other errands needed, decorate for the holidays and plan for all the family to come into to town, AND have a full time job, etc, etc, etc!!

This is one of the busiest months I've had in a long time! Month and a half actually. I think everyone knows I sing with the Last Note Singers (LNS) and I've been back to work, with Quest4Events, (Q4E) for about a month and a half now.

Since Thanksgiving week... things have not stopped.
  • My Mom visited from FL over Thanksgiving! We LOVED having her! We went to visit my grandfather about 45 minutes south of Denver, which was nice. When my mom was here, I was a little torn between needing to get my work done and wanting to just sit and visit. It was a great visit! It'll be even more fun when she MOVES to Denver!!
  • With Q4E, everything is new! Planning holiday trade show, database stuff, enormous spreadsheets, setting event connection meetings, etc. My boss is a very nice woman... cares about everybody. She's a bit scattered but she tries hard. I'm trying to help her as much as I can.
  • With LNS, we've had weekly rehearsals and are now in the middle of our 13 concert series this holiday season all around the Denver Metro area. I also offered to put together "map packets" for all 35 singers. These packets includes about 15 pages filled with maps, addresses and directions, be there times, which costume to wear, etc. 15 x 35... you do the math. Not hard, just time consuming. (Although I learned a few things that will make doing it next season much easier)
  • We have 3 family birthdays and half a dozen friend birthdays. We also have an anniversary to celebrate over our Christmas vacation.
  • One sparkling jewelry party I hosted at my house.
  • Four Christmas Parties including the Christmas Cookie Exchange Party held at my house.
  • One Lovely Wedding that I helped put together for a good friend of mine.
  • Christmas & Birthday shopping, wrapping, and sending to Nashville. (Fingers crossed I can get to post office tomorrow!)
Just a small glimpse into our hectic Holiday Season. Please, please don't think I'm complaining... AT ALL! All the items listed above are fun and all items I signed myself up for. Everyone of them!

All I can say is "Hats Off" to all those so organized that really can "DO IT ALL!!" If you're giving lessons... please keep me in mind. I'll work on staying in better touch! I'll just add it to the list!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama Elected 44th President

"My friends, we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly."
- Senator John McCain
Whether you voted blue or red, Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican... on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will be our country's new leader! With 52% of the popular vote and 364 electoral votes, his victory is irrefutable.

I don't think it's any secret I've supported Obama from the very beginning and watching history unfold this week with such an overwhelming declaration leaves me inspired and uplifted! Like many others, I've been impressed with Obama's character, his ideals and his vision for the country. If you missed any part of Obama's inspirational victory speech or you want to hear and read it again, take a look.

Regardless whether you agree that Barack Obama is the best choice for our country or whether you voted for the opposition, one thing is for certain... History was made this election! November 4, 2008 will go down in history as the day America elected our very first President of Color. As our new First Family makes their way to the white house, we can all be proud of how far this country has come. A good friend wrote an interesting post that I thought I'd share. The blog includes the Civil Rights Movement timeline which truly shows the distance we've come.

In the words of President Elect Barack Obama... "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where anything is possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, on this election, in this defining moment, change is coming to America."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

In the 11th hour....

With the election just a few days away... I've decided I can't sit idly by any longer. So... I've decided to volunteer for the Obama campaign. I've wanted to for quite a while now, but wasn't sure if I really wanted to get "involved". Better late than never I guess!

So, I don't know exactly what I'll be doing yet, but I'm game! It should be fun! Anyone want to join me? Obama/Biden all the way!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Tis the season for pumpkins and colored leaves, costumes and candy, tricks and treats.

Unfortunately, we don't get many tick-or-treaters at our house, so we're going over to visit with some friends, Barb & Vicki, to "man the house" while they walk their kids around the neighborhood. We've spent Halloween with them for several years now, carving pumpkins and playing with the kids. It's a lot of fun!

Halloween was one of my dad's favorite holidays. As a kid I remember him decorating the garage with ghosts (soccer balls, volleyballs, kick balls, etc covered with white sheets and tied to wire coat hangers), black lights, and scary Halloween music. Kids would have to come through the scary garage to get their treats. He'd always encourage the parents to come in with their kids and he'd be ready with an overhead light in case the kids were too scared. He used to get a real kick out of the whole thing. I enjoy those memories!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween! Be safe with all the ghosts and goblins out there... and in case you need a few pumpkin carving ideas, here are a few of ours, and my mom-in-law's, from years past.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Week From Today....

It's fantastic to realize we're only one week from electing a new president. Few other elections have there been candidates with such clear cut opposite views on how to get the country back on track. Many states are offering early voting through the end of this week and reports state that one third of the country is taking advantage of this opportunity and the push for mail in ballots is reaching record numbers. It's very exciting!

Most folks know who they're voting for and have been rooting on their preferred candidate with unwavering enthusiasm. I am one of them. And once each contender chose his running mate... the person that will take over if something happens to him... I knew for sure that I had made the right choice.

If you are still on the fence, there are several websites that help clarify and give details on both sides. As well, there are sites that quiz you to see which candidate you agree with more. One week from today... we'll choose a new President. I, for one, am very excited!