As a kid, my parents always did a good job of making it my special day. As a summer baby, you get skipped over for the school classroom celebration with cupcakes and birthday cards because school is out for the summer. On the flip side, it’s summer! So pool parties and beach parties galore!
One of my most memorable birthdays was my surprise 13th birthday party. It was a doozie. We still lived south of Miami, in Homestead, FL and my long time friend Kathleen and I had ‘gone shopping’, which was to get me out of the house, of course. After my mom dropped us off, we snuck over to a boy’s house where he and his friend were waiting for us. Long story short, when my mom came to pick us up from all our “shopping” and took us home… were there was a police car in our driveway… (I’ll get back to that part) I walked in the front door and had the daylights scared out of me by all my friends yelling “SURPRISE!” It was fantastic! That party lasted all night long and every kid in our neighborhood from 10 – 18 was there! Sadly, we moved up to Central FL the following day which, as a new teenager, I was not happy about. What’s even sadder and one of the main reasons we moved out of South FL, was we had been robbed an hour before my birthday party began. Hence the police car!
This birthday, I turned 35. Ouch! I’m a bit stunned that 35 years of my life have zipped by. People that are 35… GULP, are grown-ups. Ugh! My friends, Mara & Kat, organized a Happy Birthday Happy Hour for me a few days before my birthday at the Funky Buddha, one of my Denver favorites. Thanks girls! We had our very own private patio and plenty of cosmos. Lots of friends came to celebrate and it was a lot of fun!
Then on my birthday, my fabulous hubby, Eric took me dinner and a show. We went to Bastien's Restaurant which was pretty good. They brings out these strange, long two foot breadsticks to the table for snacking. I would describe it as an old diner taken over by a fine dining chef. They have a fantastic Limoncello martini. SO good! I'd highly recommend stopping by to get one! Then we went to see Wanda Sykes at the Comedy Works. She's hilarious!! She even had Eric laughing and that's hard to do. We had a lot of fun. Thanks everyone for a great birthday! Until next year...