Friday, June 20, 2008

RSVP Process

Step 1: Read invitation.
Step 2: Decide if you'd like to go to event.
Step 3: If answer to step 2 is yes, go to step 4.
If answer to step 2 is no, go straight to step 5.
Step 4: Check calendar for availability.
Step 5: RSVP with appropriate answer.

WHY is this such a difficult process? Honestly, I don't get it! Is it because people want to wait until the last minute... just in case something better comes along? What is that?! People don't even respond to wedding invitations anymore. I mean, come on. There's a lot of work that goes into planning a party and a head count is important.

I realize it's just an invitation to a party and we're all busy with life, but it leads me to believe that the common courtesies in our world, the ones that our parents drilled into us as children, are slipping away. Frankly, that's disappointing.

1 comment:

Ms. Mara Kimling said...

I AGREE!!! I usually have to send out 2, 3 sometimes even 4 reminders to people...and they STILL don't RSVP.

My favorite was the 4 people who RSVP'd to our wedding that they were coming....and then didn't show. We had to pay for them anyway OR we could have invited someone else.

Their excuse? Something came up. Not an emergency (of course I would have understood that) but random crap.

One guy blew us off to go buy a kitchen table.
