Happy Father's Day
To all the father's out there... Happy Father's Day! I hope your day is full of smiles and happiness!
Father's Day has always been a very special day for my dad and I. My birthday often fell on or near Father's Day. I was literally my dad's Father's Day gift when I was born on the Saturday of Father's Day weekend. At the beginning of this year, my dad and I talked about me going home to FL for Father's Day and my birthday because we thought they'd both fall on Sunday. (We hadn't taken the time to realize that it was leap year and my birthday would fall on Monday instead.) My dad was 35 when I was born... This is my 35th birthday... So, with my father's recent passing, as you might imagine... this is a bit of a somber day for me. I miss him!
My dad was a loving, honest, wise from life experiences, funny man. He had a fantastic sense of humor. One of my favorite 'Davis funnies' was the "Sport, can you hold this for me?" game he'd play on my mom. (Sport was his nickname for my mom) We'd all be in the living room, my mom would be standing next to my dad, and ever so cleverly, he'd ask her "Sport, can you hold this for me?" and hand her some random object that was within reach... the salt shaker, his tea glass, the TV Guide, his flash light, etc. This would continue until her arms were at capacity or until she caught on. Whichever happened first. Then he'd get tickled at himself for pulling it off and just laugh and laugh, and I'd laugh, and my Mom would start laughing. It's probably one of those "you had to be there" moments, but man... it makes me laugh remembering it now.
So, Happy Father's Day Dad!! I'm sure you're out catching "the big one" in the Atlantic somewhere. Put a pickle on the hook... that ought to do it.
On a much lighter note, I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my father-in-law, Rick. He too has a great sense of humor. My hubby has his dad's sense of humor so I get my chuckles from them regularly. I believe my father-in-law is the kind of father all new dad's aspire to be... loving, funny, supportive, affectionate, a man of wisdom that we look up to, and on and on. (Don't want to embarrass the man.) I don't even think he tries to be... I think he just is that dad. I'm actually a very lucky woman to have such loving and down-to-earth parents-in-law. (I'll be expecting my check in the mail this week... ha ha)
So, Happy Father's Day to all! I hope it's a fun day for you!
1 comment:
Your dad is loving you today...and all days. Every day is Fathers Day if you remember him and live the way he'd want you to...
Our fathers day is filled with packing...why didn't you stop by???? We still have your forgotten bday presents! :-)
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